3 Ways to Master Your Story to Win
Life is not fair. We all accept it. Sooner or later.
Things are not always become your reality according to the plan. Sometimes you may receive unexpected moments in your life. Well, if you have something strong to hold on, then you will definitely grow through what you go through.
Frankly, I’ve a sad story too. Who cares?! Lemme tell you a secret. Nobody!
Everyone is selfish in this game. All you can do is do well and have nothing to do with the rest. Once you start to care, you will start to lose. You focus. Your purpose. Your identity.
We live in times of attention. Attention to news. Attention to feeds. Attention to everything. That’s why they call a new way of making money — Attention Economy!
They also say that big fish eat small ones. Nah, fish of today ain’t as before. Well, might be sometime in the past. But not today. Today, the fastest one eat the others. No matter the massiveness.
As in life, beware of small unexpected things. They are quick. They are short. And they are damn too expensive to sleep on that.
Remember that:
Some doors close forever, others open in most unexpected places!
The most important thing in life is to keep your patience and faith in whatever you…