I am 33 And It’s Not Even Started

Nolan Torok
5 min readJan 7, 2019
Photo by Emiliano Vittoriosi on Unsplash

I am already 33.

It is super easy to say that number just in once. Honestly, I have never imagined myself the day when I will step into the 33rd chapter of my life book! But, it happened eventually. That day is already standing in the middle of my 30s.

How do I feel now? Though, I have never asked that to myself before. Since life is going on its way every day. And after a long time, I have turned my life into simply a one-day routine.

Well, I can’t believe that I have already closed these 33 chapters of my life book. As if I have just started listing these in yesterday’s evening time. How those chapters of mine passed away so fast!

And now, taking a deep breath, I hope that the next chapters will get into more well-organized, and self-promising format it has ever been. At some point, I started to mumble myself “hey, life is not actually bad”. Well, the bad news is that I have run out of those 33 life chapters of mine

Thirty-three is not a bad number actually. It is the sequence of integer numbers starting and finishing between 30 and 40. That’s how mathematically we have structured so far. Whenever I do the maths with such sequential counts, I literarily start to look again and examine learning cycles at a young age.



Nolan Torok

Insights on human capital and personal growth. I help people master their mindset to build their business. Twitter community with 200k+ @Positive_Call