Photo by Andrew on Pexels

Set routines.

Nolan Torok


Daily. Weekly. Monthly. Yearly. Keep winning in private.

Not everything should be public.

Note that what you build in private will prosper you in public.

If you have an idea, keep it quiet. Keep working on that. Grow with it. Everything you go through, will grow you. Keep learning, keep pushing. Forward.

Not the other way around. Don’t be the victim of your own adrenaline dopamine. Always keep calmness. A calm mind is a superpower.

Oversharing is how you leak your energy.

After all, you need to get:

• re-start
• re-focus
• re-adjust

Digitalization keeps on eating everything around. Don’t get lost. Don’t lose your identity.

Synchronize frequently. Set your own standards. Set your routines.

Respect all, but fear none!

Keep it shining. We’ll all get there soon.




Nolan Torok

Insights on human capital and personal growth. I help people master their mindset to build their business. Twitter community with 200k+ @Positive_Call