What ROUNDs you off?

Nolan Torok
1 min readMay 21, 2018


What makes you HAPPY? Have you ever thought about it? If not, next time observe those moments of yours when you extremely feel sense of happiness, and make a list.

Make a list of factors that drive you into positive world. Even it’s getting hell outside. Be the positive energy. Positive source for an endless happiness. For a strong and everlasting HAPPINESS to occur, you have to get BURNED completely! From an inside out…

Don’t try to change someone. Or things around. Start that change from inside. And start it from yourself as a starting point. Do it internally. So that it’ll turn into change inside out. Nothing is more important than self-confidence of an individual.

“Conquer yourself rather than the world” — Rene Descartes

Nowdays knowledge is getting highly popular. It’s more powerful than the previous decades. However, without self-confidence and strong commitment it’s just only bunch of data.

Get burned enough from inside. The biggest battle starts from individual’s internal world. Therefore, external ones usually depend on internal wars. If you success the former one, every day will bring much of happiness and joy without no reasons. For that, stay focused on your PASSION…!



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